Gaining a deeper understanding of learning provision for the forestry industry

We’ve been getting to know the Forestry industry and education and training providers delivering programmes for the industry.

Our new approach to quality assurance allows us to get to know the industry and provider staff better, so the Forestry industry has confidence in the provision of learning for their ākonga (learners). Our Quality Assurance and Enhancement team conducted whanaungatanga and hui whakapūmau enhancement visits with active providers over 2022 and 2023.

“We aim to keep connected with providers, so they don’t just hear from us when we ask for moderation samples once or twice a year”, says Rochelle Skudder, Muka Tangata Quality Assurance Specialist.

As well as building strong relationships, industry hui whakapūmau enhancement visits allow Muka Tangata kaimahi to talk with provider and industry kaimahi as well as ākonga, and observe delivery and assessment in practice.

Providers have told us that they value this new approach.

Cathirine Barbarich, Tūranga Ararau Moderation Coordinator told us, “I felt that the hui whakapūmau was a success and it was awesome to have some of our ākonga involved as well, after all they are why we do the job we do. It's always great to hear from others outside of Tūranga Ararau that you're doing a good job!”

Desk-based moderation results for all Forestry tertiary education organisations over this time have been of a high standard and are improving. Our moderators agreed with 83% of the providers assessment judgements - this is higher than the all-of sector verification rate of 70% for the period. Read the Forestry moderation report here: Forestry.