Work with industry to build a better understanding of the Sports Turf workforce data
We do not have a good way of showing or analysing data on the Sports Turf industry workforce. The industry data available to us using Stats NZ industry codes doesn’t effectively represent this workforce – see our analytical notes on this topic here.
We want to work with industry and Stats NZ to see if there are better methods we can use to identify and understand workforce data within the Sports Turf industry.
Key steps:
November 2023: New Muka Tangata analysis using Occupation data (ANZSCO) conducted and dedicated sports turf analysis and dashboard sent to Sports Turf Industry group for review
December 2023: Move to process of continuous improvement – incorporating any improved resources received from industry, providers or other sources
Latest progress:
September 2023: Initial hui with industry representatives and training providers to determine options for improving workforce data (Completed)
October 2023: Update our Workforce Development Plan analytical sections to clearly note the differences between ‘Turf Growing’ and ‘Sports Turf’ industry (Completed)
October 2023: Overview of the issues in identifying the Sports Turf industry published (Data challenges for the Sports Turf workforce)November 2023: Develop and test updated Sports Turf industry analysis resources using enhanced occupation data (Completed)
December 2023: Publish Sports Turf industry analytical resources in dedicated area (Completed)