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  Workforce dataset (size and demographics)  

Source: Stats NZ Integrated Data Infrastructure

7,740 individuals worked in Veterinary Services in 2021, with 11% being employers or self-employed.

The workforce has been steadily increasing since 2015, with an increase of 9% in 2021.

The Veterinary workforce is not as ethnically diverse as other workforces across Muka Tangata industries. There are fewer young (15-24) and older (aged 55 or older) workers with a relatively large percentage of workers aged between 25 and 44. Most of the veterinary workforce are women, and this has increased over time. The Veterinary Services workforce is not as regionally concentrated as other Muka Tangata industries.

The Veterinary Services workforce does not have seasonal variances like many other Muka Tangata industries do, and monthly employee counts have seen a steady incline over the past few years.

Other analysis

Workforce Demographics

Veterinary Services and Animal Care

Visa Status

All People, Food and Fibre

Labour Market Dynamics

Veterinary Services and Animal Care