New micro-credential growing leaders in Dairy industry

Developed in response to an urgent need for leaders across Aotearoa New Zealand’s food and fibre sector, the Emerging Leadership in People, Food and Fibre Industries micro-credential supports those moving into leadership roles to develop the skills required to lead engaged and productive teams.

“To ensure a strong and capable workforce, it is essential that we continue to create opportunities for emerging leaders to progress,” says Muka Tangata Chief Executive Jeremy Baker.

“This micro-credential supports our dedication to workforce development and skill enhancement in the food and fibre sector, and we’re proud to have worked alongside our industries during its development to ensure a fit for purpose, robust qualification.”

Hamish Hodgson, Dairy Training Ltd Manager, was one of many industry representatives from across the food and fibre sector who worked closely with Muka Tangata on the micro-credential development.

“We’d been considering what a leadership micro-credential would look like for the Dairy industry for a while,” says Hamish. “So, when Muka Tangata began development of a pan-sector one, we saw it as a great opportunity to jump on board and contribute.”

Input from industry is invaluable for development, ensuring education products are fit for purpose and will serve the needs of their sector.

However, developing a qualification that will work for all the food and fibre sector is no easy feat, Hamish says.

“Muka Tangata were very collaborative in their design approach. They got feedback from each sector and were really open to designing something fit for purpose, with enough flexibility that any sector can pick it up and make it their own – that’s not always easy to get right.”

In August, Dairy Training Ltd became the first provider in the country to offer a programme leading the micro-credential, launching a training programme for emerging leaders in the Dairy industry including 2IC, heard managers, and new managers.

For the Dairy industry, this micro-credential provides a much-needed opportunity for those looking to step into management roles to hone their leadership skills and receive formal recognition of their capabilities.

“We’d heard from industry that this was something they wanted,” says Hamish. “Farms require a team approach to run smoothly and efficiently, and to get the most out of a team and make advancements on a farm, you need someone with good leadership skills.”

Hamish notes that a key benefit of the micro-credential is that it can work for both those new to leadership and existing leaders.

“It will really help people who are looking to step up into a management role grow within the industry.

“It’s nice to be able to offer this kind of training to people ahead of them needing to lead people, so they can have it in their back pocket,” he says.

“Equally, for those already in leadership roles who would like to improve their understanding of their teams and how things could be done better, it’s a great opportunity to increase their skill level also.”

With the first workshop beginning at the end of September, Dairy Training Ltd are excited to add the micro-credential to their suite of training programmes.