Since April 2023, we have been working with industry to review the suite of Seafood qualifications to ensure that they meet industry needs. We are taking a new approach based on partnering with industry, iwi Māori and vocational education providers to review and develop qualifications, standards, micro-credentials, in parallel with the programmes to deliver them.

Key steps:

  • April 2023 – Expressions of Interest sent for industry, iwi Māori and vocational education provider representation
  • May – June – Working and Steering groups are set up and meet online.
  • July – Seafood Qualification Review in-person hui held in Nelson.
  • August – September – New qualification suite structures socialised with Working and Steering group members.
  • October – Consultation document and draft qualifications structures are developed and published.
  • November – Qualifications and Micro credentials and priority skill standards due to be submitted to NZQA.
  • December 2023 – January 2024 – NZQA publishes qualifications and micro-credentials and priority skill standards.
  • February – April 2024 – Skill standard development to replace existing unit standards as necessary.
  • May-September 2024 – Level 5 Environmental Sustainability – Skills Standards and Micro-credential development
  • June – September 2024 – Level 3 & Level 4 Core Subjects – Skills Standards and Micro-credential development
  • October 2024 – Final products submitted to NZQA


February 2024 – 280+ seafood-related unit standards reviewed and rolled over

April 2024 – Introduction to Commercial Fishing and Introduction to Seafood Processing (Level 2) micro-credentials approved by NZQA

May 2024 – Introduction to Aquaculture (Level 2) micro-credential approved by NZQA

June 2024

  • New Zealand Certificate in Seafood Operations (Level 3) developed and approved by NZQA to replace the existing Level 3 qualification 
  • New Zealand Certificate in Advanced Seafood Operations (Level 4) developed and approved by NZQA to replace the existing three Level 4 qualifications 
  • New Zealand Certificate in Seafood (Level 5) reviewed and approved by NZQA.