The primary purpose of this project is to provide a structured skill recognition framework that addresses several critical issues faced by the more than 19,000 Pacific workers participating in Aotearoa New Zealand’s RSE scheme:  

  • Acknowledges and formalises the skills gained by RSE workers through training and employment in New Zealand.
  • Facilitates better job opportunities for RSE workers upon their return to their home countries, allowing them to leverage their New Zealand experience effectively.  
  • Provides a clear understanding of the skills available in the RSE worker pool, enhancing workforce quality and productivity for New Zealand industries

Key Steps:

The RSE Skills Recognition Project is progressing, now supported by Food and Fibre Cove. Their partnership is key to achieving our objectives. 

  • March 2025: Steering Group Meeting & Finalise Communications Plan 
  • March – April 2025: Stakeholder Engagement & Training Needs Assessments 
  • May 2025: Finalise Skills Pathways 
  • June 2025: Submit Recommendations for New Credentials 
  • TBC: Launch Recognition Agreements 


  • Map qualifications on NZQCF and Pacific Qualifications Frameworks, identifying gaps. 
  • Propose skills pathways and recommend new credentials. 
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to establish mutual credential recognition agreements. 

This month, we’ve been focused on planning, assembling the Skills Team and Steering Group, and starting initial assessments. The first in-person Steering Group meeting will be on March 17. We are also finalising our communications plan, which will be reviewed by the Steering Group in mid-March and approved by month’s end. 

Latest update 

This project is now partially funded by the Food and Fibre Centre of Vocational Excellence. Their generous support will play a crucial role in helping us deliver the project's objectives. 

  • In March, we have been focused on planning, including assembling the Skills Team and Steering Group. We’ve engaged specialists and started the initial training needs assessments, supported by industry and community engagement.  The Steering Group will meet in person in Wellington on 17 March. 

We are also developing a communications and outreach plan to keep our partners informed and engaged throughout the project.