Muka Tangata has been collaborating with Whakatōhea to create an iwi-specific micro-credential, designed to incorporate the mātauranga they teach into formal learning for ākonga.
The credential has been developed in a way that allows other iwi to adapt it, using their own mātauranga to suit their unique needs.
We plan to submit the draft micro-credential to NZQA in April. If this initiative aligns with your iwi's interests, we would greatly appreciate your feedback over the coming weeks. Read more
There is substantial research that shows the value of mātauranga Māori in supporting Māori learners to succeed. While some of that mātauranga is formalised as part of the education and qualifications system, much of it is part of informal or non-formal learning.
This project will explore how iwi mātauranga that is taught in vocational education can be acknowledged the formal VET system in a way that recognises that mātauranga as a taonga belonging to that iwi.
Key Steps:
- February – June 2024: Develop draft micro-credential in partnership with Te Pou Oranga o Whakatōhea.
- July – December 2024: Engage with other iwi to assess whether the micro-credential is fit for wider use.
- January 2025: Lodge micro-credential on NZQA framework.
- Following NZQA approval, promote and socialise with iwi and hapū, providers, and other Ohu Ahumahi Workforce Development Councils.
Latest update:
Muka Tangata has worked with Te Pou Oranga o Whakatōhea to develop the first draft of the micro-credential and is currently sharing it with other interested iwi and hapū.