Equine, Greyhounds and Racing Workforce Demographics

  Workforce dataset (size and demographics)  

Source: Stats NZ Integrated Data Infrastructure


In 2021, most of the workforce in the Equine, Greyhounds and Racing industries identified as European, with 9% identifying as Māori which is lower than across all Muka Tangata industries and the national average (national benchmark). Horse Farming has the least ethnic diversity, Horse and Dog Racing Administration and Track Operation has the greatest proportion of Pacific peoples (in line with the average across Muka Tangata industries), and Horse and Dog Racing Activities has the highest proportion of Asian workers (though still below the average across all Muka Tangata industries and the national average).


There is a higher proportion of older workers aged 55 and over working in Equine, Greyhounds and Racing than across Muka Tangata and the national average (national benchmark). The proportion of workers aged 15-24 is similar to that across Muka Tangata industries. Workers in the Horse and Dog Racing Administration and Track Operation industry and Horse Farming industry have an older age profile than workers in the Other Horse and Dog Racing Activities industry. Over 40% of workers in the Horse and Dog Racing Administration and Track Operation industry and the Horse Farming industry are aged 55 and over, compared to one quarter of workers in Other Horse and Dog Racing Activities.

Regional Distribution

The Equine, Greyhounds and Racing workforce is strongly regionally concentrated in the Waikato, Canterbury, and Auckland regions. Around one third of those working in Horse Farming and in Other Horse and Dog Racing activities live in the Waikato, whereas one third of those working in Horse and Dog Racing Administration and Track Operation live in Canterbury.


In 2021, just under half of those working in the Equine, Greyhounds and Racing industries were female. This is comparable to the national average (national benchmark) of 47% but sits much higher than across the Muka Tangata industries (36%). There are differences between the industries, with females comprising around one third of the workforce in Horse and Dog Racing Administration and Track Operation and just over half in the Horse Farming industry.