Grapes and Wine Workforce Demographics

  Workforce dataset (size and demographics)  

Source: Stats NZ Integrated Data Infrastructure 


Overall, the Grape and Wine industry group is less ethnically diverse compared to that across Muka Tangata. While we know that Grape Growing has a high number of Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers from the Pacific, they are not fully captured in the workforce numbers for horticulture and viticulture as they are not employed directly by horticulture businesses. There are many RSE workers counted in the ANZSIC06 class 'Other Agriculture and Fishing Support Services', which captures those who are employed by contractors.


There is a higher proportion of workers aged between 25-34 working in Grapes and Wine compared to other Muka Tangata industries. Historically, Grape Growing has a higher proportion of older workers, aged 55 and over compared to Wine and Other Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturing.

Regional Distribution

Nearly one third of the workforce in the Grapes and Wine industry group live in Marlborough. Within the Grape Growing industry, there is also a high proportion of workers living in the Otago and Auckland regions. Within the Wine and Other Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturing industry, there is a high proportion of workers living in the Auckland region.


Nearly half (46%) the workforce in the Grapes and Wine industry group identify as female, and this has been consistent over time. This aligns closely with the national average (national benchmark) of 47% and is higher than the proportion of female workers across Muka Tangata industries (36%).