GDP Occupational Forecasting tool

Introducing the GDP Occupational Forecasting Tool to the industries of Muka Tangata. This tool has been created to provide a user-friendly view of data-driven insights within the food and fibre sector.

Through user-friendly dashboards, the tool enables users to filter and visualise three-year forecasts of occupations by industry and year, as well as view historic and forecasted GDP by industry. Users can specify industry, occupation, WDC, year, and other relevant factors.

The tool uses microdata* from StatsNZ to build detailed trends on occupations and industries. It has been calibrated against a range of national forecasts (Treasury, Reserve Bank, and commercial providers) to ensure robustness and consistency. It supports Workforce Development Councils to help build a picture of the trajectory of each industry of focus and analyse how that relates to workforce demand.

A basic user guide has been created within the tool to assist users of any skill level with the essentials of how to navigate and filter through the dashboard’s data.

Begin exploring the Occupational GDP Forecasting Tool here: Resources » Workforce Development Council.
*Microdata is unit-level data obtained from surveys such as censuses. It provides information about characteristics of individual people or entities such as households, businesses, facilities, farms, or even geographical areas such as regions or towns.