Taking animal health forward

A recent report, Taking Animal Health Forward, developed by Boehringer Ingelheim, the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA) and the New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association investigates the state of the veterinary and animal care workforce. 

While enrolment numbers for Veterinary Nursing and Animal Care have almost doubled in the last five years, the report highlights the sector’s ongoing problems with retention. 

Kevin Bryant, Chief Executive of NZVA says that “circumstances have contributed to a ‘perfect storm’ as overworked professionals increasingly leave the sector, while training institutions struggle to recruit skilled educators and funding to train the next generation. There is also not enough emphasis on upskilling, particularly when it comes to crucial soft skills.” 

The report makes a number of recommendations for the sector stakeholders, immigration settings and recognised qualifications, education and training funding and subsidies, pathway models and government