
Attraction and Retention

The industry struggles to attract new people due to the perception of the nature of the work and a lack of clear pathways.

Attraction and Retention

Delivery and Assessment

Existing delivery and assessment of Forestry qualifications doesn’t fit learner needs.

Delivery and Assessment
Equine, Greyhounds and Racing


The existing licensing system doesn't align with qualification requirements.

Equine, Greyhounds and Racing


There is an industry perception that low staff retention is due to lack of clear career pathways and links to expected levels of remuneration.

Attraction and RetentionPathways
Equine, Greyhounds and Racing


The current operating model of the racing industry is not generating enough money to provide investment in the upkeep of infrastructure or employee training.

ProfitabilityRegulatory Compliance
Dairy Farming

Attraction and Retention

Attraction and retention is a challenge for the Dairy industry, specifically, attracting people with the right skills for the specific requirements of the work.

Attraction and Retention
Dairy Farming


The vocational education system has not been flexible and nimble enough to meet industry need.

Provision of LearningQualifications
Dairy Farming

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health and resilience are ongoing concerns for the Dairy industry.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Regulatory Compliance

Legislation and compliance with on-farm emissions and climate change are a challenge.

Regulatory Compliance

Delivery and Assessment

The seasonal nature of the industry means that it is difficult to complete a qualification within the time frame of employment.

Delivery and Assessment

Attraction and Retention

It is challenging to attract skilled people into the arable farming industry.

Attraction and Retention


The existing programme design has high theoretical components and does not align with the practical skills required on the job.
