The focus of the Entry Level project is to review the two current Primary Industry entry level qualifications and explore developing additional or alternative qualifications and/or supporting micro-credentials and standards at Level 2 and Level 3 that will strengthen pathways into the people, food and fibre sector of Aotearoa.

The project aims to examine the current and future skills needs of our industries and to improve transferability of those skills between sectors, enabling a wide range of people, including school leavers, career changers, and mature workers to transition into the workforce.

Muka Tangata will work with key partners including industry, iwi Māori, schools, kura Māori, trades academies, and employers to strengthen pathways from senior secondary school into people, food and fibre employment and further training.

Key steps:


  • Open expressions of interest form - 4-28 March 2024
  • Wānanga/roadshow - April/May 2024
  • Steering and working groups formed - May-September 2024

Latest Progress:


  • Advise identified iwi and hapū Māori and Māori industry partners about project launching 4 March 2024 - 28 February 2024
  • Project announcement to industry, VET providers and public - 4 March 2024