We will work with industry to review the suite of Forestry qualifications to ensure that they meet industry needs. As part of the review, we are looking to understand what the pathways for career development in Forestry look like and to ensure that qualifications are aligned with these.

We are looking to incorporate te ao Māori and mātaraunga Māori into the qualifications.

As a first step we developed a New Zealand Certificate in Forestry Leadership (Level 5). This targets an industry-identified gap in skills and career progression. The qualification is aimed at people who have industry experience and wish to develop their leadership knowledge and skills.

Key steps:


  • May – Expressions of interest sent for industry and provider representation.
  • July – Forestry wānanga in Rotorua with provider, industry and iwi Māori representation.
  • August – Form Steering and Working groups; begin consultation phase based on wānanga output.
  • September – Develop Level 2 qualification, micro-credentials, and skill standards.
  • October – Develop Level 3 qualification, micro-credentials, and skill standards; develop Level 6 Diploma.
  • November – Submit Level 2 qualification, micro-credentials, and skill standards to NZQA.
  • November – Develop Level 3 and 4 high level qualification plans.
  • November – Develop three stackable micro-credentials that will contribute to the Level 5 qualification.
  • December – NZQA publish Level 2 qualification, micro-credentials, and skill standards.


  • 26 February – 8 March – National roadshows.
  • May – Stage Two of project announced: Level 3 and 4 qualification, micro-credential and standards development.
  • June – Expressions of Interest request for representatives on Steering and Advisory Groups for Stage Two development.
  • July onwards – engage with industry and providers on learner pathway and qualification suite development.

Update – July 2024:

As part of ongoing industry engagement for the project, we have been working closely with the Forestry and Wood Processing Pan-Sector Collaboration Group to support the best outcomes for the Forestry industry.

Based on recent feedback from the group, and ongoing conversations with industry representatives, we are pausing current work to revise qualifications and develop new skill standards and micro-credentials at Level 3 and Level 4 in Forestry.

The Forestry and Wood Processing Pan-Sector Collaboration Group was established in April 2024 to engage on issues of common interest or concern for the national industry and act as a voice and point of contact for the industry with Government and other relevant bodies. The Group aims to provide a strategic vision and plan for standard setting (including qualification and micro-credential development) as well as implement industry-centred improvements to vocational education and training in the coming years.

The Forestry and Wood Processing Pan-Sector Collaboration Group will be organising the provision of industry oversight and leadership for the next phase of development which will be announced in due course.

We are committed to supporting the industry and will work collaboratively to plan the next steps for this development project.