Work with providers to strengthen Māori content of programmes
We have recommended to Te Pūkenga that it include te ao Māori in its programme content. Muka Tangata recognises the huge amount of effort Te Pūkenga has put in to unifying their programmes, but also into the development and implementation of their frameworks and strategies such as Te Rito, Te Pe Tawhiti and the Equity and Ākonga Success Strategy, Whiria te Ako and Whiria Te Pūkenga (to name a few). These demonstrate a focus on ensuring Māori learner needs are met through cultural awareness and te ao Māori approaches.
Latest progress and next steps:
March 2023: Muka Tangata kaimahi participated in the Te Pūkenga Apiculture unification of programmes working group.
March 2023: Muka Tangata recommended to Te Pūkenga that it includes appropriate te ao Māori in its programme content.