Nursery, Turf and Gardening

The nursery and amenity sub-industries have said that current training is too management focused and that a better knowledge of botany would be useful. Botany is also a prerequisite for people who wish to move into related work or higher levels of study. We will explore how botany can be included in qualifications and programmes.  

Latest progress:

Muka Tangata is planning for a review of Horticulture qualifications, standards and micro credentials to start in 2025. The focus on botany will be explored in detail during this review and industry input will drive subsequent changes. In the interim, Muka Tangata will respond to any specific requests for changes to existing qualifications or standards in our role as a Standard Setting Body (SSB).

This Roadmap action will not be updated until we begin work on the Horticulture qualifications review project.