Our engagement with industry reveals that while the industry strongly values skills, it looks to experience rather than qualifications for evidence of this. Partly this is due to not knowing what qualifications are available and what those qualifications mean for what someone can do. 

We will work to improve access to information on qualifications and work with both industry and providers to raise awareness of qualifications and what value they have for both employers and employees. 

In addition, we are undertaking pan-sector research that examines the value of qualifications. 

Latest progress:

The wine industry is currently well into vintage (harvesting grapes) and as such is completely unavailable for engagement. This has continued through March.

NZ Wine, Wine Marlborough and Business and Economic Research (BERL) have undertaken a survey of the industry in an effort to better understand the industry makeup. This data will not be available until April or May, but once released will certainly allow us to update our WDP data sections.