Support Services Workforce Demographics

  Workforce dataset (size and demographics)  

Source: Stats NZ Integrated Data Infrastructure 


More than two thirds of those working in Support Services industries identify as European. Almost one fifth of the workforce identify as Māori, which is in line with the average of all Muka Tangata industries and slightly higher than the average for all industries (national benchmark). Between 2015 and 2020, there was a decrease in the percentage of people working in Support Services identifying as Asian which was largely driven by the decreasing percentage of workers in Other Agricultural and Fishing Support Services identifying as Asian. However, the Other Agricultural and Fishing Support Services workforce is more ethnically diverse than other Support Services industries having the greatest proportion of workers identifying as Asian or Pacific peoples.


The Other Agricultural and Fishing Support Services and Landscape Construction industries have younger workforces on average than the Oher Agricultural Product Wholesaling and Hunting and Trapping industries. The Support Services industries have a younger workforce than the average across Muka Tangata industries and the average for all industries (the national benchmark).

Regional Distribution

There are different regional concentrations of the workforce across the industries within the Support Services group. Over half of the Hunting and Trapping workforce are concentrated in Otago, Southland, and Canterbury. One third of the Landscape Construction workforce is based in Auckland. One fifth of the Other Agricultural and Fishing Support Services workforce is in the Bay of Plenty, and one quarter of the Agricultural Product Wholesaling workforce is in Canterbury.


Aside from the Other Agricultural Product Wholesaling workforce, with 42% of the workforce identifying as female, the percentage of the Support Services workforce who identify as female is lower (29%) than the average across all Muka Tangata industries (36%) and lower than the average for all industries (national benchmark) (47%).