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  Workforce dataset (size and demographics)  

Source: Stats NZ Integrated Data Infrastructure

64,100 individuals worked in Support Services across 2021, with 23% of these being either employers or self-employed. Two thirds (63%) of those who worked in Support Services in 2021, worked in Other Agricultural and Fishing Support Services, with around one quarter working in Landscape Construction services. The remainder of the workforce (12%) were primarily in Other Agricultural Product Wholesaling, with less than 1% in Hunting and Trapping. A higher percentage of those in Hunting and Trapping are employers or self-employed.

The age, gender and ethnic composition of the workforce is different across the industries in Support Services group. Between 2015 and 2021, there was a decrease in the percentage of people identifying as Asian. The Other Agricultural and Fishing Support Services and the Landscape Construction industries have younger age profiles than the other Agricultural Product Wholesaling and Hunting and Trapping industries.

Aside from the Other Agricultural Product Wholesaling workforce, the percentage of the Support Services workforce who identify as female is lower than the average across all Muka Tangata industries. However, the average workforce who identify as female across all Support Services industries is lower than all industries (national benchmark).

There are seasonal peaks in the count of employees per month in Other Agricultural and Fishing Support Services workforce. The count of employees is highest in December and lowest in August.

There is an upward trend in the monthly count of employees in Landscape Construction services between 2018 and 2022. There was also a recent increase in the number of employees in Hunting and Trapping from around 80 employees per month from 2018-2020 to over 100 employees from late 2021. The count of employees in other Agricultural Product Wholesaling remained constant at around 6,000 employees per month between 2018 and March 2022.

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Workforce Demographics

Support Services

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Support Services