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  Workforce dataset (size and demographics)  Image not found

Source: Stats NZ Integrated Data Infrastructure

2,780 individuals worked in the Apiculture industry across 2021, with one third being either self-employed or working as an employer. This is a fairly consistent representation of the industry over time.

There are seasonal peaks in the number of individuals employed in Apiculture. The number of employees counted per month tends to peak in summer (usually, but not always, December) at around 1,800 employees, and is lowest in winter (June/July). In the last couple of years (2020-2022) there has been an increase in the number of employees in the off-peak seasons.

Compared to the age distribution across Muka Tangata industries, Apiculture has a slightly higher proportion of workers in the middle-age bands (between ages 25-54) and a lower percentage of older workers (aged 55 or over). The proportion of workers in Apiculture identifying as Māori and Asian is consistent with the workforce across Muka Tangata, however, relatively few workers in Apiculture identify as Pacific peoples.

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