Ō Mātou Ākonga Learners and Providers
- Most ākonga (learners) we show for the Arable industry are undertaking qualifications that are relevant to multiple industries. There has been little uptake for qualifications specific to Arable. Contributing factors for this may include the small size of the Arable workforce with many working in self-employment and general qualifications meeting industry needs.
- General agriculture and horticulture qualifications provide foundational skills to a few industries within Muka Tangata. Nearly one third of learners linked to Arable are studying the New Zealand Certificate in Primary Industry skills (Level 2).
- Through the Agriculture qualifications development project, we will consider whether generalised qualifications are still meeting the needs of the Arable industry. We’ve heard that the industry wants shorter training that is better aligned to core skills components and is delivered to align with the industry calendar.
Source: Tertiary Education Commission, Te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua - Reporting and Data Collection.
How did we get here?
In this section, we show qualifications that fall within Muka Tangata’s responsibility. We have matched these to each of our industry groups. We have also matched relevant micro-credentials, not necessarily developed by Muka Tangata, to our industry groups. Some qualifications or micro-credentials appear in more than one industry group as they could be useful to that industry, regardless of whether they are currently being used.
Complex apprenticeships consist of multiple programme enrolments. We have matched the main programmes to their relevant industry groups as we do not have the information for the target qualifications. As the data we have only included enrolments in current qualifications and micro-credentials, a full picture of historical trends of all learners in the industry is not reported here.
Qualification strand information is available for ākonga undertaking work-based training (apprentices and trainees). However, due to the limitations of our data for provider-based learners, we cannot separate enrolments into specific strands. For this reason, we have only reported enrolment data at the qualification level. We continue to work on ways to improve the data available to us.
Quality of programmes delivered by training providers
Muka Tangata independently checks assessment material that providers have developed, as well as their assessors’ decisions. This is called moderation – its similar to an audit.
Moderation ensures training carried out by providers is robust. It improves provider practices, and ensures graduates have the skills they need.
The reports provide employers and industry with detail on our activities, the quality of provider assessment, performance of programmes and number of new programmes developed in the past 12 months.
Previous versions of moderation reports are available in the Moderation Reports Archive.